Thursday, October 1, 2009

A lesson

This question was asked by a seminar attendee-
"Why do some people come to the earth and then die young?"

Abraham:They come to make a statement and get us to think about the subject of death. When someone dies and they're old, you say "Oh that is ok that is to be expected because the person lived a long life." When someone at the beginning of life dies, you say "Ooooooh that is NOT such a good thing."

Humans need to try to make peace with the eternality of being.

Imagine that you walk into a movie theater with your brother. You really want to see the movie that is playing but he isn't really all that interested in the subject. He's accompanied you just to be nice.

About half way through the show, he turns to you grumbling and says "You might be having a good time here but I'm not. Standing up, leaving he says "I'll catch you later."

What happened was not bigger than that. Just because you walk out of one movie theater doesn't mean that you can't walk into another theater farther down the street or that there isn't life outside of your movie theater.

There is a feeling of discomfort with the idea of death. You feel there is a beginning and ending and everything hinges on what happens- "what we should or shouldn't be doing." But which rules should you keep? Who's rules do you follow?
Every group has different rules.

At premature death there is a feeling that there was "a waste" of a life. You have issues with being DONE and when you focus on the endedness of life.........then you feel bad.

To heal you need to find relief
and that is done incrementally and in baby steps.
By choosing to think a thought in the present moment that make you "feel" even one teensy tiny bit better than the last thought you had--- you step up one click out of depression. Then from that vantage point you can shoot for one more thought that creates another feeling that is a tiny bit better and so on. Humans CAN'T jump from depression to joy because it's too big a leap. The goal is to increase your energy by "Feeling" one click better -thereby vibrating at a higher frequency.

Depression is the lowest energy vibration and where we feel the worst.

Anger actually has more "energy" than depression. When you move from a depressed thought to an angry thought you actually move UP in energy. Moving to anger from depression offers a feeling of relief - you "feel" better (if only very slightly.) You are more empowered when angry than when depressed.

You wouldn't want to stay in anger. Ideally, you want to reach for the next thought that makes you feel one click better. Your goal is to find a feeling of relief by stepping up a notch.

to get relief from a depressing thought think an angry thought
To get relief from an angry thought think a frustrating thought
Frustration can lead to a hopeful thought....a hopeful thought leads to a ....

and on and on

up the energy feel good ladder until you hit joy - the highest level of vibration. The best feelings we have are created by thinking joyful thoughts.

If you're driving at 100mph and hit a tree the impact is going to be worse than if you were only going 5mph. Some people drive their lives at 100mph be it with excessive drugs, alcohol, depression etc.

We expect people who are depressed to "damn well live and suffer with the rest of us" not die and check out. A depressed person could say "I am not supposed to suffer. And while you may not approve of me anesthetizing myself with drugs and alcohol- the fact that I needed to leave- worked for me."

Some folks feel the severity of dense emotion. As "lighter" folks the rest of us feel the need "to fix" them- but we are not in the same place as depressed people are. Deep dispair, no self esteem-self survival turns them into people full of rage and anger.

Abraham suggests
The more you focus on your history
the more the Law of Attraction lines you up with this vibration
the more you continue to observe it
the more you talk about it
more you vibrate to it
and therefore the more the Law of Attraction matches you up with this vibration
the more you observe it and the more you talk about it
the more you vibrate to it
and therefore the more the Law of Attraction matches you up with this vibration

You can't tell the same story and NOT live the same circumstances because the Law of Attraction will directly pull it to you.

This is an attracting world...........there is nothing in opposing to it. We attract. PERIOD.

In science, the term sublimination means a solid goes directly to a gas without passing through the liquid phase. We don't do that for us it's a process.

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